
Showing posts from May, 2010

Been a busy Spring this year

Wow. I haven't been here for awhile, I see. It's been busy at the Ranch. We have worked hard.. had an addition put on the back of the shops, a 80x140 riding arena put in and Mike and I are currently installing the wooden fence surrounding it and we had a concrete apron laid in front of all the horse stalls. To say the least and on top of all the other spring things people do. We also now have a rock step/path behind the back of the house, along the patio out into the field with some addition of rock tiers with junipers and barberry plants in it. (I want to post pictures here of the improvements but the Blog isn't letting that happen right now.) Just took a trip to Northern California to visit some of my family there. Was an awesome visit. I wish we had more time to spend there as it is my roots and I wanted Mike to see "who I am". It made me miss all the Redwood trees and the coast. It was good to go over memories with my 85 year old uncle whom I lived with for a...