Glass adventure to Seattle

My friend and glass partner, Barbara, just returned from a trip to Seattle on a glass buying adventure. It was fun just for us two gals.... husbands stayed home. Thank goodness for shopping with your husband is like hunting with the game warden!! We went to Momka's Glass and enjoying the tour of her new facilities in Arlington, just north of Seattle. She has a wonderful place to work now. Not quite as big but it has room to grow. And Momka is so happy as she can have a garden now and the cost of doing business is so much better for her. We were privileged to see what's new and her excitement showed. We were even allowed to offer a new name for this product so it really has a personal touch for Barbara and I. We went to Olympic Color Rods and was glad our timing allowed us to watch David Wight , an exceptional glass artist and very personable man that has not allowed his talent to overwhelm his courtesy to a couple of "sea...