Luvin' the new interior paint..
It was worth all the work. I luv the warm, cozy atmosphere the new paint has provided. As you can see, for those that don't know us well, we are into the western theme. And wood.. Probably has a lot to do with the previous home we had a couple of years ago. I miss the logs and the warm atmosphere they provided..
this is a picture of the old house.
From the dining room to the north end of the living room. I am loving the ambiance the evening lighting provides. Very warm and snuggy. That old stove really works except we don't have it hooked up. We have the wood stove in the TV room that functions quite nice if we have not electricity. Yup, that is a real cowhide I am using for a rug.. 
This rug is a saddle blanket I picked up at a 4H Tack Sale that was held in Spokane last weekend. It had my name all over it!!

Front entry door... we bought a new one with bevels and brass. Beautiful rainbows in the morning.
This is an overall shot looking from the northend of the living room toward the dining and TV room. Typical clutter on the dining table. I never eat there.... too crowded.

The next picture is Mike's corner of the house.. the computer... It has a gray/blue wall that picks up the color in the horseblanket and the tiles surrounding the wood stove. Great color change for me. I am such a "natural neutral personality" when it comes to colors. I love organic style beads, too!
and looking north into the dining/living/kithchen area..
Your grandmother's chair is beautiful....I have to send a link to Tim so he can see your metal art :-D
Congratulations--I'd say this was a great creative "reaching out"! and I love the winemaking hobby too--sounds delish! :-D fruit wine...mmmmm!!!!
Miss you friend! Hugs, Tammy
Sure wish you could come over one weekend this spring...