
Showing posts from June, 2009

Great way to start ANY Day!!!!!

A beautiful watercolor background picture I found on the net... ummm ummmm!! To be able to get this in glass!! Weather is kinda cool the last couple of days but not complaining. I have been planting grass plugs... lots of them. A friend came over a donated some of her time helping me out. Now that is a GOOD friend, huh! It is suppose to be a very drought tolerant prairie grass. I put some in a small area a couple of years ago and it never needs mowing, (only gets about six inches tall) stays green with very little water. Everyone should have a lawn like that. One can mow it if you wish .. Am off for a wonderful day of pampering today. A friend of mine is taking me and herself for a facial. My first ever. She has this gal that does it at her home and swears if nothing else, you come out feeling so good renewed.... I am not much into spending $ on my appearance so this is special. And after that, off to Rings n Things and Michael's.

I am excited about these latest pieces

A friend got me hooked on beach glass. These pieces came from Puerto Rico. I wire wrapped with sterling silver, added Swarvoski crystals, a silk ribbon and viola!! Gorgeous, me thinks.. but I am prejudiced, me thinks, too.

Spring Landscape pics

This is the first time I have really been excited about all the landscaping and planting we have done. This spring has proven all the efforts were not in vain. Now, if I could just make the trees grow faster!! This plant is a shrub that is gorgeous coppery red and green colors. Forgot its name...but it is healthy and growing strong... Creeping thyme, barberry and Russian sage.. Dutch iris in all it's glory.. rock garden with ornamental grasses and creeping thyme. rocks are from our own property. Persian lilacs

Mo' Beads!!

Put 'em in my Etsy store in case you are interested. My favorite is the Desert Bead on top...
I posted these on my Etsy store. Haven't been doing too much torching lately. My time is filled with spring landscaping, building, and horses right now. I love being retired and having the time to do anything I want!! I did manage to get some time in last night at the torch. Have yet to see what the kilngods have to yield this morning... The blue beads are small and would look wonderful on a bracelet. Good summer colors. A translucent blue with black and white accents. The etched set would go well on hemp as the holes are larger.

Aw..gorgeous Spring colors..

Tulips are bloomed out now but there were real pretty. I have iris now. Will try to post pics later as they are scrumptious!! I decided not to have any patio pots this year. Too busy getting the landscaping done but couldn't resist this. A pepper and roma tomato plant. I put plastic flowers in the pot for color till I get the vegetable on the plants.. There actually are a couple of florals in there, since I have to water the pot anyway. Whadayouse thimk of the lupine? I forgot I planted these! This picture shows our little ranch as I am going down the driveway. The colors in the fields are from sheeps sorrel. Actually an herb, but is considered a noxious weed in the agricultural dept. It overtakes any grass in the fields. In the evening, the colors are mauve, gold, brown, green and light greenish blues.. A beautiful sight.