Aw..gorgeous Spring colors..
Tulips are bloomed out now but there were real pretty. I have iris now. Will try to post pics later as they are scrumptious!!
I decided not to have any patio pots this year. Too busy getting the landscaping done but couldn't resist this. A pepper and roma tomato plant. I put plastic flowers in the pot for color till I get the vegetable on the plants.. There actually are a couple of florals in there, since I have to water the pot anyway.
Whadayouse thimk of the lupine? I forgot I planted these!

This picture shows our little ranch as I am going down the driveway. The colors in the fields are from sheeps sorrel. Actually an herb, but is considered a noxious weed in the agricultural dept. It overtakes any grass in the fields. In the evening, the colors are mauve, gold, brown, green and light greenish blues.. A beautiful sight.

This picture shows our little ranch as I am going down the driveway. The colors in the fields are from sheeps sorrel. Actually an herb, but is considered a noxious weed in the agricultural dept. It overtakes any grass in the fields. In the evening, the colors are mauve, gold, brown, green and light greenish blues.. A beautiful sight.