Finally got cabin fever. Took advantage of a wee break in the weather and did my share of contributing to the chaos at the shopping malls yesterday. A couple friends joined me and we were gone all day. Managed to pick up some great bargains and, of course, it was things I really needed.. ha ha. My best treasure find was an old world St. Nick. For only $12.50, he wouldn't let me pass him up. My favorite Christmas decor is poinsettas and old Santas, with snowmen right along the line.
My DH showed me how to run the quad with the snowplow today. I am not too sure I will be glad about that later, but today it was fun.
Some friends came over with a Christmas gift that just the best.. I think they call it a glass tower and that is the first I have heard of them. It is glass plates, vases, or any type of glass all put together to form a tower. I will take a picture of it tomorrow. She even put one of my big dichro beads inside it to personalize this unique object. It is just really special...
I hope you didn't do TOO good with the snowplow.....:)