Mt. Rainer at it's best
A friend of mine sent these pictures that are making the Internet rounds. I find these cloud formations quite fascinating and want to share with you in case you were not in the link..
I understand all these pictures were taken by different people from different locales surrounding the mountain. The last picture with the rolling fog, I just found comforting.. yes, the sun!!!

For all my friends back on the west side, check out my friend and previous neighbor's photographs of the flood waters where Mike and I used to live in Monroe. All those pictures bring back memories for us as we had to deal with these type of waters "back home". flood pictures
We don't miss that part of Monroe but what we do miss is the excitement it usually generated.... namely when some "courageous" (being tactful here) sole ventured across swiftly flowing waters.
I remember one night, myself, coming home from work at midnight only to find I couldn't get there, spent several hours in my little Blazer till the waters receded, waded across a soggy field in the dark, up through the woods in a direct line to my house on the mountain, no flashlight, drenched and cold, I had to get to the house to take care of my animals. No cell phones then...