Every day is a joy but ya gotta love Spring!
Another life begins.. Only 10 hours old this big guy is! My friend's mare had her first baby. This is a Missouri Fox Trotter and this guy is a real people horse. The mare had such a hard time, she didn't want anything to do with the baby at first. After hours of supervision to make sure she didn't harm him, her mothering instincts took over and she is now very protective and figured out this guy can relieve her discomfort so is constantly encouraging him to nurse. Thank goodness. But the true story is he thinks people are his!
Great weather today and tomorrow and this is really good since we have a couple of contractors coming to start work on a pergola on the whole back end of the house. We desparately need some shade there and a pergola provides that without the worries of a snowload. And it will be good that we can set up some privacy for the hot tub (not that there is anyone around that gives a hoot!)
And is it any surprised that I painted more faux bricks in the house?!! Will post pictures when I get it together... Am now watching the glow of the sun reflecting off the trees in the field and the walls in our house as the sun comes up. A great reminder of why we moved here, chose this particular location and put up with the snow in the winter. It is beautiful!!